What enduring qualities and conditions are critical to the efficacy of future college presidents?

What new qualities and conditions will be required for effectiveness in the future?

In light of these qualities and conditions, what needs to be done to strengthen the college presidency?

The three aforementioned questions inspired the work of the Aspen Institute Task Force Report on the Future of the College Presidency: Renewal and Progress: Strengthening Higher Education Leadership in a Time of Rapid Change, (May 2017).   The 35-member Task Force informing the work includes chancellors, presidents, and education leaders from community colleges, liberal arts institutions, regional and research universities.

Renewal and Progress is a timely, thought-provoking report that I recommend California trustees and CEOs take the time to read. Going beyond the familiar data of looming retirements of sitting college leaders, the report identifies specific substantive issues confronting CEOs and trustees, and presents recommendations for what higher education stakeholders can do to prepare and support those charged with overseeing and implementing institutional missions.

As an organization whose mission is to strengthen California’s Community Colleges through advocacy, leadership development, and district services, the League is uniquely positioned for this important work. With Boards that reflect and represent approximately 440 trustees and 137 CEOs statewide, we look forward to working with our institution’s leaders to enhance student success and to advance the mission of higher education’s most dynamic sector.

Beginning with our new CEO Leadership Academy taking place in Lake Tahoe June 11-13th, the League will be developing and strengthening its efforts to support CEOs, trustees, and the critical partnership they must possess for the well-being and success of our institutions.

By Larry Galizio, Ph.D.
President & CEO, Community College League of California
