The Community College League of California’s 2023 Annual Convention plenary session speakers will address a variety of topics during the three-day conference from Thurs., Nov. 16 – Sat., Nov 18.
The staff at the Community College League of California had our share of envy with our colleges' "new" features this fall: new CEOs, new residence halls, new programs, and new students. We were inspired to create a new format for the League's news-to-you emails, reducing volume and making information easier to find. Here's what's ahead:
One of the League's services to districts throughout California is the Community College Library Consortium, a joint project with the Council of Chief Librarians.
In September 2020, the League embarked on a strategic planning process to establish the direction for the next three years and to update its Mission, Vision, and Values. In addition to laying out goals and strategies concerning community college funding, COVID-19, and DEI, the strategic plan proposes several process improvements for the organization intended to strengthen the League’s ability to represent our 73 member districts and ultimately benefit the colleges.
The League's recently crafted organizational vision statement, “Quality Public Community Colleges for All Californians” appears especially apt in this post-election environment; both for its mention of all Californians, and its considered use of the modifier public.
Similar to districts and colleges, the League's reconceptualized Strategic Plan maintains fundamental elements of its mission, yet important changes reflect deliberate and considered choices emerging from the planning process.