Urgent Action Alert

RE: AB 1699 (McCarty)/ As Amended September 7, 2023

Status: Awaiting Senate Floor Vote/Would Then Head to Assembly for Concurrence Vote


The Community College League of California is requesting your urgent advocacy in opposition to AB 1699, authored by Assembly Member Kevin McCarty, upending the hiring process of classified employees in K-12 and community colleges. 

AB 1699 would require the posting of classified job opportunities for a period of 10 days before external candidates could be considered. It would also require the right of first refusal to candidates who either meet the minimum qualifications or “could” meet those qualifications with paid on-the-job training completed before their start date. 

This measure would override existing regulations, impede local hiring practices, and hinder DEIA efforts. 

The League urges you to contact both your State Senator and Assemblymember on the negative impact of AB 1699, urging them to reject it on the floor of their respective chamber. The Senate can schedule a floor vote as early as September 11 at which point it would head to the Assembly for a final vote. Since all measures in this legislative year must be approved by Thursday, Sept. 14 to be considered by the Governor, your advocacy is urgent. 

The League has developed talking points to help you explain the need for opposing AB 1699. 

Our K-12 partners have also created a coalition letter with logos and signatures (view a prior version here) and they intend to send a floor alert very soon. Please share your logo and signature with Andrew Martinez at amartinez@ccleague.org as quickly as possible if you would like to sign on to this group effort.
