Leadership Development
The Community College League of California provides leadership in the education and development of community college governing board members, chief executive officers, and district and college staff to ensure the continued strength, diversity, vitality and effectiveness of the colleges' educational programs and services.
Governance briefs are approachable explanations of specific topics.
- 50% Law – Background Paper
- Achieving the Diversity Commitment
- California Community Colleges in 2010: Four Scenarios
- Community College Governance: A Joint Statement of the Board of Governors and CCCT
- Funding Allocation Mechanism
- Maximizing District Assets: Implementing Successful Joint Ventures
- Music Licensing Agreements
- Oversight and Intervention in the Local Operations of California Community Colleges
- Responding to the California Performance Review
- Textbook Costs and Issues
- Towards a State of Learning: Community College Governance – An Effective Bilateral Structure for Diverse System
- Triggering the Full-time Faculty Obligation
Reports prepared by the League addressing specific topics.
- CEO Tenure and Retention Study (8th Update)
- No Confidence Votes
- Preparing to Serve the Students of the Future: A Planning Resource Report
- Trustee Dashboard
- Workgroup of Community College Finance
Publications & Resources
These are for boards and trustees fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.
- ACCJC Team Evaluator Manual
- Appointing a New Trustee to the Board
- Assessing the Performance of the CEO
- Board Candidate Information
For policy papers, issue briefs, and general League publications click here.