The staff at the Community College League of California had our share of envy with our colleges' "new" features this fall: new CEOs, new residence halls, new programs, and new students. We were inspired to create a new format for the League's news-to-you emails, reducing volume and making information easier to find. Here's what's ahead:
- League News will publish the first and third weeks of each month. The electronic newsletter will sweep updates from our Government Relations team, details on upcoming conferences and professional development opportunities, and feature news about our members.
- This Week @ the League will consolidate webinar and other reminders will come in a message that summarizes registration links, deadlines, and more.
First announcements, urgent and action alerts, and other essential messages from League leadership may still come as stand-alone emails. Both League News and This Week @ the League will be archived on the League's website for reference.
We'd love your feedback! The League will reassess our new format in early 2024 and we appreciate your insight. Please email us at
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