AB 299 by Assemblymember Holden would authorize civil action against higher educational institutions, including community colleges, for instances of student hazing that the educational institution knew or should have known of.

To establish a legal defense, institutions can show that they acted to prevent hazing by 1) Adopting and distributing a written anti-hazing policy consisting of rules and procedures for hazing prevention, intervention, and discipline 2) Implementing an anti-hazing investigation, enforcement, and reporting program and 3) Implementing an institution wide anti-hazing education and training program. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office estimates this bill will have Proposition 98 General Fund costs of $35.2 million, of which $22.6 million is ongoing. Unfortunately, even after implementing the above policies, educational institutions are not given any legal protections against the civil action.

The Governor has 30 days to sign or veto AB 299, as all bills must be acted on by October 14th. Request for Veto letters are due to the Governor's legislative unit as soon as possible. Please email letters to leg.unit@gov.ca.gov and nune@ccleague.org with the subject line “AB 299 (Holden) - Request for Veto”

Letters from organizations must be on letterhead and include a signature. Click here for the template letter.
