AB 1699 by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty would require job opportunities to be posted for internal applicants 10 days before external candidates may be considered. It also requires that an internal candidate that meets the minimum qualifications, or “could” meet the minimum qualifications with paid on-the-job training completed before their start date, have the right of first refusal for a position. This measure would impede current timely hiring processes and exacerbate vacancies.
The Governor has 30 days to sign or veto AB 1699, as all bills must be acted on by October 14th. Request for Veto letters are due to the Governor's legislative unit as soon as possible. Please email letters to leg.unit@gov.ca.gov and amartinez@ccleague.org with the subject line “AB 1699 (McCarty) - Request for Veto”
Letters from organizations must be on letterhead and include a signature. Click here for the template letter.
The League has developed the talking points to help you explain the need for opposing AB 1699.
Our K-12 partners have also created a coalition letter with logos and signatures (view a prior version here), and they intend to send a floor alert very soon. Please share your logo and signature with Andrew Martinez at amartinez@ccleague.org as quickly as possible if you would like to sign on to this group effort.