Federally-Compliant Policy & Procedure Program

Offered in partnership with the law firm of:
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore
6033 W Century Blvd., Suite 500
Los Angeles, CA 90045-6410
(310) 645-6492 / (310) 337-0837 fax

Subscribers Click Here to Log In

Services and Benefits

The Federally-Compliant Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Procedure (AP) Program is provided to subscribing districts by the Community College League of California, in partnership with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, a California law corporation. This national program includes numerous services, including:

Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Procedure (AP) Samples – Over 360 BP and AP samples that are legally required, legally advised, or suggested as good practice for governing entities and entities. These BP and AP samples are provided to subscribing entities via an online, password protected BoardDocs website.

Legal Updates - Each year, entities receive legal updates to assist them in ensuring their BPs and APs are current. The legal updates are posted on the online, password protected BoardDocs website and are distributed via an email Listserv.

ListServ - Employees from subscribing entities may request to be placed on a listserv to pose questions, exchange ideas, and discuss issues with other subscribers to the Federally-Compliant Policy Program.

District Workshops
Contact Dr. Jane B. Wright, the League’s Special Consultant for the Policy and Procedure Service, at jwright@ccleague.org for additional information regarding the Policy and Procedure Subscriber Service, sample BP/APs, and possible implementation strategies.


Policy Development Assistance
For an additional cost, the League will provide a consultant who can assist an entity with updating and customizing their policy and procedure documents, using the Program's samples.


Contact the League at jwright@ccleague.org or (916) 444-8641 for information about the program.
