Community College League of California President Larry Galizio Responds to Budget Shortfall
SACRAMENTO, CA – In response to news of the $53.4 billion shortfall in the 2020-21 State Budget, Community College League of California President & CEO, Dr. Larry Galizio, released the following statement:
"While the Community College League of California recognizes the severity of the state’s fiscal shortfall, we want to assure local communities across California that our community colleges remain open to all who seek quality, affordable career and transfer education and especially to those dislocated by the crisis. California Community Colleges are a catalyst for economic recovery and we are strategically poised to maintain our emphasis on access, student success and equity. The Community College League of California stands ready to work with Governor Newsom and legislative leaders to craft a responsible budget that honors its commitment to funding high quality, affordable public higher education through its 115 indispensable locally-governed community colleges. We also call upon our federal policymakers to substantially increase the nation’s investment in higher education through another round of stimulus funding to help mitigate the effects of the state's budget shortfall and to more quickly facilitate moving those from joblessness to gainful employment."
The Community College League of California (League), whose vision is Quality Public Community Colleges for All Californians, is a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a voluntary membership of the 73 local community college districts in California. The League promotes student access and success by strengthening colleges through advocacy, policy development, leadership development, and district services. Visit our website at