Community College League of California Endorses Prop 16 in Support of Equal Opportunity for All Californians
SACRAMENTO, CA – The Community College League of California is proud to announce its endorsement of Proposition 16, a California ballot measure asking voters to repeal Proposition 209 and the ban on equal opportunity in the November 3, 2020, general election. Both the Chief Executives Officers of California Community Colleges (CEOCCC) and the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Boards passed resolutions endorsing Proposition 16, affirming their strong support of an inclusive higher education system that reflects the diversity of California.
The passage of Proposition 209 in 1996 prohibited public institutions, including California Community Colleges (CCC), from making race and gender-informed decisions in their hiring practices. This has made it more difficult for colleges to hire a diverse pool of faculty and staff that are representative of the students and communities California Community Colleges serve. According to a report by the Campaign for College Opportunity, in 2016-17, only 21% of our tenured faculty were African American or Latino, despite those populations making up 50% of the CCC student body. Research indicates that students are more likely to be successful when taught by faculty with similar backgrounds. A repeal of Prop 209 would likely result in an increase in student access, success, and equity by reinstating affirmative action.
“It’s critical for our state's economic future to ensure that all Californians have equal access to higher education regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status,” said Larry Galizio, President & CEO of the Community College League of California.
Prop 16 will allow community colleges and universities to create policies that:
- Diversify their student bodies, faculty, and leadership
- Close the racial/ethnic and gender equity gaps
- Better allocate dollars to support students who need it the most
To learn more about Proposition 16, visit the Yes on Prop 16 website. For more resources on Prop 16 and to view the League’s town hall, click here.
The Community College League of California (League), whose vision is Quality Public Community Colleges for All Californians, is a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a voluntary membership of the 73 local community college districts in California. The League promotes student access and success by strengthening colleges through advocacy, policy development, leadership development, and district services. Visit our website at