Community College League of California Endorses Prop 15 to Put Schools & Communities First
SACRAMENTO, CA - The Community College League of California is proud to announce its endorsement of Proposition 15, a ballot measure heading to the November 2020 ballot that seeks to raise needed revenue to invest in schools and vital services for communities across the state. Proposition 15, also known as the Schools & Communities First Initiative, will be a key component to the state’s recovery and reinvestment, delivering nearly $500 million each year to California’s community colleges.
“Community colleges provide Californians with pathways to success, and the Schools & Communities First initiative will ensure such opportunities may continue unabated,” said Larry Galizio, President & CEO of the Community College League of California. “The League calls upon all supporters of California Community Colleges to join in the campaign for this initiative, which if passed, will result in a much-needed increased investment in public education. Our colleges are facing the greatest fiscal crisis since the Great Depression. Proposition 15 will go a long way in alleviating the serious budget shortfalls caused by the pandemic and allow them greater possibilities to serve their communities. Our students are worthy of this investment which recognizes that community colleges are critical to California’s future."
As the largest system of higher education in the state, California’s community colleges serve over two million students—training and educating today’s workforce for jobs that lead to gainful employment and upward economic mobility.
The Schools & Communities First Act, which recently qualified for the November ballot after submitting a record 1.7 million signatures, will reclaim $12 billion every year to support essential workers, critical local services, community colleges and K-12 schools by closing corporate property tax loopholes while protecting homeowners and renters, small businesses, and agriculture. Additionally, the initiative provides substantial tax relief for small businesses by cutting the business personal property tax.
According to a recent analysis, 92% of the revenue would be generated by only 10% of commercial and industrial properties, illustrating that only a fraction of top corporations benefit from these loopholes. In addition to PPIC polling showing a seven point increase in support for the measure over the past six months, polling of the ballot language that voters will see in November showed 58% support from likely California voters.
For more information about the ballot initiative, visit
The Community College League of California (League), whose vision is Quality Public Community Colleges for All Californians, is a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a voluntary membership of the 73 local community college districts in California. The League promotes student access and success by strengthening colleges through advocacy, policy development, leadership development, and district services. Visit our website at