Assembly Bill 1456
Author: Assemblymember Jose Medina
Title: The Cal Grant Reform Act

League Position: SUPPORT
Click here to read the bill text

What does the bill do?

  • AB 1456 establishes two streams of financial aid to focus on the specific needs of students at two-year colleges and four-year universities. The programs would be renamed as Cal Grant 2 and Cal Grant 4.
  • For students at the community college, AB 1456 (under Cal Grant 2) would increase the numbers eligible for aid from 124,000 to a little over 360,000. Students would receive the current $1,656 level of access award with an adjustment tied to inflation.
  • It would shift California’s financial aid system to student need model that removes eligibility requirements for age, GPA, and time out of high school.

What is significant for community colleges?

  • AB 1456 proposes a framework for financial aid using the total cost of attendance as the college affordability benchmark rather than solely tuition.
  • Cal Grant 2 would guarantee an access award (entitlement) for all California Community College (CCC) students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $0 who do not have dependents.
  • AB 1456 would make it easier for non-traditional students like those who have families or have returned from the workforce seeking a college education to qualify for the award.
  • The bill recognizes that the cost to attend a CCC is not just tuition and that the total cost of attendance needs to be addressed as the state recovers financially.

What is the ask?

Send a letter of support to Governor Gavin Newsom urging him to sign the bill into law. For a template letter, click here.

